Since I went into detail about Jedediah Smith Redwoods in the last post (Which was our actual first stop up coast) I didn't feel like it needed it's own Blog Post.
Our next stop after leaving Jedediah Smith happened to be a small hike called Spencer's Butte in southwestern Oregon. This hike was a great journey for beginners and boasted an excellent view of Southern Oregon. I would suggest an approach from any side. We found this hike after I saw a photo on instagram of a nice looking view in Oregon that I really wanted to see, after a few Google image searches.. I found out it was Spencer's Butte which was only a few hours north of Jedediah Smith, and happened to be literally on our route to the Hoh Rainforest. Since we spent a total of 3 hours at this location I don't feel the need to get too detailed about it. It's a beautiful small hike and I would definitely recommend it to anyone in the area. The woods around the base of the butte are extremely green, and have some beautiful moss.. Mostly dominated by Douglas Fir. Below are a few images from the hike to the summit of Spencer's Butte
This whole Blog started with an idea that a friend of mine from Northern California had.. He wanted to make a trip up into Washington because he had never been before. December of last year (2016) we made a small 3 day trip up to the top of California toward the border of Oregon to a place called "Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park." It just so happened to be one of the most magical forests we had ever been too.. not to even mention boasting the largest trees on the planet. After doing further research about the type of forest that Jedediah was, we came to find it was one of the only areas in Northern California that classified as "Temperate Rain Forest." A little more research and we discovered that Pacific Temperate Rain Forests actually dominated most of the northern west coast.. with the largest protected patch of old growth rain forest being located very far north in Olympic National Park, Washington. The place was called "Hoh Rain forest" and after just a few google image searches we found it to appear like the most mossiest, magical, incredible, mind blowing, gorgeous looking forest on the Planet. (If you don't believe me, google search it yourself) The photos we found looked like a movie set for a fairy tale. We had to go. Within a few weeks we ended up mapping out a trip that would lead us up through Oregon and Washington into some of the most spectacular old growth forests on the planet. Around the Olympic Peninsula, through the northern cascades, around the rocky PNW coastline, through the Colombia River Gorge, and even out into the eastern tundras. We had a 3000 mile trip planned with only backpacking gear, tents, and a plan to camp. We were doing this trip without any hotels the entire way, and by our calculations it would take a full 3 weeks. This is only the intro of what would be one of the most incredible months of my life! Below are some images from our first mind opening trip to Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, which also happened to be our first and last stops on our Journey up the magical west coast. Where you can find this beautiful place:Suggested Hikes and Places to See here:
Robert BardelmeierCurrently Traveling in the states. ArchivesCategories |